Get A Taster For Your Wedding Dining At A Wedding Fair Near You With Hog Roast Blaxton

Hog Roast BlaxtonWedding season beckons again which means as a caterer we are once again back out on the road promoting our various wedding services to customers, and fielding plenty of calls for upcoming dates. Caterers like Hog Roast Blaxton are usually hugely busy around wedding season since it is one of the events that is ready made for high quality, stylish catering.

It is not just the weddings themselves that are likely to keep us busy at this time of year, however, as we have been out to plenty of wedding fairs too of late.

These are common again for this time of year (though in the last few years they have been lessened until this season, for obvious reasons) and allow us to meet many brides and grooms to be who are still in need of wedding caterers and various other resources for their special day. These fairs are great for us to get out in front of customers and chat to them directly about their wedding and show off our foods and services. For your efforts, if you don’t come away with a booking with us at the very least you’ll still come away with some free food as you can enjoy a free hog roast taster roll on us!

Hog Roast BlaxtonIf you come chat to us at one of these events then we will be able to book in a prospective date for you, but we’ll be likely to later re-establish contact again to more thoroughly iron out the extra details – such as precise menu choices, service options, etc – because these things are slightly more difficult to do when you have a rush of attendees coming to your table. In this call you’ll have all the time you need to plan your wedding dining fully, and we’ll be able to more thoroughly customise our package around your special day specifically.

Because you know us by that point and have already tried some of our foods these decisions will be even easier to make, so it is certainly worth coming to a wedding fair near you if you are at all on the fence about which caterer to choose! We’re certain the Hog Roast Blaxton magic will take hold once you have a bite with us and you’ll know for a certainty that we are the caterer for you!